Blog » Thyroid Health

Endocrine Disruptors and Weight Control February 27, 2017

Endocrine DisruptorsWhat is an endocrine disruptor...and how can it effect our weight? Endocrine disruptors are chemicals that "disrupt" or interfere with our body's endocrine system, which in turn may cause adverse effects in our developmental, reproductive, neurological, and immune systems. The National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences adds that, "A wide range of substances, both natural and man-made, are thought to cause endocrine disruption, including pharmaceuticals, dioxin and dioxin-like compounds, polychlorinated biphenyls, and other pesticides, and plasticizers such as bisphenol A. Endocrine disruptors may be found in many everyday products– including plastic bottles, metal food cans, detergents, flame retardants, food, toys, cosmetics, and pesticides."


Hypothyroidism & Poor Circulation August 6, 2015

EXERCISEDaily exercise is recommended for most individuals; however, for those with hypothyroidism exercise is essential for both metabolism and circulation.  In fact, circulation is typically decreased in people with hypothyroidism and it's highly recommended that we take proactive measures to prevent poor leg circulation.  

Since our thyroid levels may not always be adequately controlled by our thyroid medications the most important thing we can do to improve our leg circulation is EXERCISE.  


Eat Selenium Rich Foods for a Healthy Thyroid July 2, 2015

Mixed NutsSelenium? If you are like me, I had absolutely no clue about selenium prior to having been diagnosed with any thyroid issues. So, to give a quick overview, our bodies need selenium to help our thyroid gland function properly.  Plus, when our bodies are deficient of selenium we may experience pain in the muscles and joints, white spots on the fingernails, and unhealthy hair. It is also thought that over time a selenium deficiency may lead to Hashimoto's disease.  Therefore, it is recommended that we get around 70µg (micrograms) of selenium each day.


Tips For A Healthy Thyroid June 18, 2015

IHealthy Thyroid Tips stumbled upon this graphic/picture by NutraPhoria School of Holistic Nutrition the other day and loved how they broke down the vital nutrients that we need for healthy thyroid function along with key things to avoid.  I know I have already shared some of this, but I like how this is nice and compact for easy reference.  I will continue to share more indepth information on the ones that I have not already shared about, but thought everyone would appreciate these main tips.


The Good and Bad on Cruciferous Vegetables June 4, 2015

Cruciferous VeggiesYou've been told your whole life to eat your veggies, but then someone tells you to avoid cruciferous vegetables (e.g., kale, broccoli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, cabbage) because they're not good for your thyroid.  So, what do you do...stop eating them? Stand the risk losing out on tons of healthy benefits?

The issue with cruciferous vegetables is that they're considered to be goitrogenic.  Goitrogenic foods slow down thyroid functioning due to an interference with iodine uptake, which, in turn, may cause the thyroid gland to become enlarged (e.g., goiter). So, how do we eat these nutritious veggies without experiencing these negative effects?  


Water, Dehydration, & Thyroid May 28, 2015

WaterI've been learning a lot about dehydration and the negative impact it can have on our health, including our metabolism. So, although many may not think about the correlation of drinking water with thyroid health, I believe it plays an important role in maintaining a healthy metabolism and in return better thyroid regulation.  Since water plays a role in almost all of our body's biological functioning it makes sense that our metabolism would slow down when we get dehydrated.


Avoiding Soy Can Be Tricky May 14, 2015

SoybeansIf you have done any research about hypothyroidism and/or thyroid disorders you've probably stumbled upon article after article stating the negative effects of soy.  There are several reasons why it's best to avoid soy, but the fact that it contributes to low thyroid function and it interferes with hormones should be enough to convince us that it's not worth eating.   Not to mention, it's estimated that over 90% of soy production is genetically modified...which leads to a whole new discussion.  So, the issue now lies in all of the foods that contain soy and how to avoid it.


Coconut Oil ~ Good Choice for Thyroid April 30, 2015

Coconut Oil

Did you know that the oils you use could either highly benefit or negatively affect your thyroid health?   The biggest offenders are vegetable oils or polyunsaturated oils…with the largest source of commercially prepared foods coming from the soybean.  If you have done any research about foods and thyroid then you probably already know that there’s a lot of information regarding the detrimental effects of soy on the thyroid gland. 

So, what type of oils are good for us?  The answer, saturated oils…especially coconut oil which is primarily made up of medium chain fatty acids, which are known to increase metabolism and help with weight loss.  In fact, it appears 


How to Live Well with Hypothyroidism March 24, 2015

Tips for Living Well with HypothyroidismHaving lived 12 plus years without a thyroid I know a bit about hypothyroidism. :-) I have my ups and downs, but through it all I have learned what it takes to live well.  If you suffer fromy hypothyroidism you know that sluggish, exhausted feeling that I like to call "thyroid tired" and you may have experienced what many of us call "foggy brain," where you essentially have difficulty focusing or concentrating.

Sometimes I forget that it took me several years to learn what I've learned and I forget that others may not have all the info yet either. So, I've decided that if I am truly going to be an advocate for those with thyroid issues then I need to start sharing some of the tips that I have learned over the years. 


Is Your Thyroid Weighing You Down? January 21, 2013

Thyroid Butterfly (Thyroid butterfly)Sometimes it takes more than good nutrition and exercise to see a difference in the scale...or better yet, in inches (because the scale is not always a good indicator of your progress). I went through years of working out and eating right, but I still struggled with keeping my weight where I wanted it to know, that place where you feel comfortable in your own skin?! I honestly felt like I could barely eat anything or I would put on weight.